May 2021
Classes Resume
With the latest lifting of restrictions, classes can take place once again with limited numbers.
In addition to booking in advance, anyone wishing to come along will be required to wear a face mask and observe social distancing as well as to be free from any related symptoms.
If you'd like to book a place, please get in touch via the contact page.
2020 - Quite the year...
Passing of Grandmaster Ip Ching
The year began with the passing of my Wing Chun Grandmaster Ip Ching. This is someone I had the privelege to meet and train with on many trips to China and was delighted to find him as kind and pleasant as he was skillful.
The loss of anyone is incalcuable to those close to them but to focus on the contribution he has made to the lives of others is to be grateful. |
With my Sigung and Sifu in Hong Kong 2004
The memories of all those meals, training sessions and even visits to his home remain a source of encouragement to myself and doubtless to many others who had the good fortune to get to know him.
Rest in peace Sigung.
Private Lessons via Zoom
As the pandemic hit many people have found themselves working more and more online and I was no exception.
Private Lessons are now available online via 'Zoom' and have been especially useful for those further from classes.
Several demonstrations took place this year.
Students got involved and even occasionally took the lead as all of the arts I teach were demonstrated over the course of the year - and even some that I don't!
I don't teach every art that I train in and that is especially true of Medieaval European weapons.
There were a few sessions at the museum in chainmail facing swords, axes and one of two other devices one would hope not to encounter on the street. All good fun but all requiring considerable respect and discipline.
WhatsApp Groups
Website updates have become less common as most of the news has been communicated to students via WhatsApp groups rather than via the website
That's not to say that the website and this news page won't continue to be updated it just likely won't be as often as in previous years.
February 2018
TV Series in India
Last Year I made a short TV series on Zhan Zhuang for a TV station in India. The idea was to go step by step through a very simple exercise routine that almost anyone could follow.
The TV channel is a Buddhist station but the exercises themselves neither require nor encourage any particular belief system - what you choose to believe is up to you :-).
You can watch the first episode here. |
November 2017
Lam Association Annual Demo
The Lam Association's annual dinner & demonstration be taking place on Sunday the 26th of November in London.
I'll be there for a full week so there will be no public classes during this time.
Classes will resume on Monday 4th December.
September 2017
China Trip
The second China trip this year, this time for Wing Chun with Master Kwok.
I expect the usual mix of paying respect at Great Grandmaster Ip Man's grave, exchanging experience with other schools and public demonstrations. All that plus a bit of sight-seeing too.
I will be away from 11th August until the 21st. There will be no classes during this period.
August 2017
India Trip
Off to India again to teach Zhan Zhuang to (hopefully...) dozens of people, at least some of whom will have trained with me before.
Now a bi-annual event, the regular attendees continue to make good progress.
I will be away from 7th August until the 13th. There will be no classes during this period.
June 2017
'New' Logo
Although it's actually been in use for the last two years now, this is the first time it has appeared on the website.
For those interested in the symbolism, the crane and snake together have strong links with Wing Chun and (to a degree) also with Tai Chi.
In terms of health, the crane is associated with longevity and the snake with regeneration and medicine.
China Trip
Headed to China yet again, this time to pay tribute once more at my Grandmaster's memorial in Beijing.
I will also be travelling with Master Lam, his family and many of his students. As well as Beijing we will be visiting Mongolia.
I will be away from 17th June until 3rd July. There will be no classes during this period.
December 2016
Christmas & New Year Break
Classes will begin again on Monday 2nd January.
I'd like to wish all of my students, both past and present, a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
November 2016
Lam Association Annual Demo
Once again, the Lam Association's annual dinner & demonstration be taking place on Sunday the 20th of November in London.
I'll be there for a full week so there will be no public classes during this time.
Classes will resume on Monday 28th November.
September 2016
Wing Chun trip to China
After a great trip to India for the promotion of Zhan Zhuang, now it is the turn of China and Wing Chun.
There'll be the usual mix of travel, demonstrations and exchanges with other schools and styles, all thanks to Master Kwok's contacts and expertise. It should be another great trip!
I look forward to meeting up with some old friends and making some new ones. |
Classes will resume on Saturday 24th September.
August 2016
Zhan Zhuang in India
This will be the 3rd of my now regular visits to India and indeed '3' is proving to be a significant number.
The week will be split into three parts in order to accommodate different levels of experience, not to 'keep secrets' but rather to apply attention where it is needed. If this year you can only make the first part then I hope to see you at the second level next time. |
Classes will resume on Monday 3rd September.
June 2016
No Classes Monday 13th June & Site Updates
Please note: there will be no public classes on Monday 13th June. The rest of the week will have classes as normal. |
Meanwhile I've updated various pages of the web-site, with more to come as I get the time.
February 2016
Public Demonstration
There will be public demonstrations of some of our arts at the Lady Lever Art Gallery on Saturday 20th Feb.
The demonstrations will take place at 1:30 and 2:30pm. |
Consequently, there will be no public classes on the 20th.
December 2015
Return to India
I will be returning, once again to India, to continue with my instruction of Zhan Zhuang for one week.
I hope to provide both something new for those who attended last year, and also an introduction for any newcomers. |
The Crosby classes will resume on the 15th, not the 14th as was previously reported to some. Apologies for the confusion.
November 2015
Lam Association Annual Demonstration
This year's event will take place on Sunday 22nd November, in the restaurant beneath the Lam Association headquarters in London.
There will be demonstrations of Zhan Zhuang Chi Kung, Tai Chi Chuan, Choy Lee Fut, Da Cheng Chuan, Traditional Chinese Weapons and maybe more! There will also be a raffle and, of course, a Chinese buffet dinner. |
I will be busy during the following week, training in London. I hope to see you when I return on the 30th.
September 2015
China Trip with Master Samuel Kwok
Long time no update but lots of travelling coming up...
First it's off to China to visit, amongst other places, the fabled Shaolin Temple.
As usual there will also be a demonstration at the memorial hall of Great Grandmaster Ip Man in Foshan as well as a chance to meet up with other martial arts schools.
Classes will resume upon my return on the 28th of September.
Return to India
Meanwhile, coming up in December...
If all goes to plan then I will be back in India, teaching zhan zhuang to the same group as last time.
I hope this will be an opportunity for some people to get started with their practice and for others to progress.
February 2015
Demonstrations for Chinese New Year
The Year of the Sheep will begin this month and to help usher in the Chinese new year we'll be doing a couple of public demonstrations.
On Thursday the 19th we'll be at the Merseyside Maritime Museum once again, where we've been invited back to demonstrate at 1:30pm and 2:30pm.
Then on Saturday the 21st the demonstrations will be at the Museum of Liverpool (by the Pier Head), again at 1:30 and 2:30 pm.
The demonstrations will feature Wing Chun, Tai Chi, Zhan Zhuang, Da Cheng Chuan and weapons as well as a little of the history and legends associated with these arts.
Magazine Interview from 2014
Looking back rather than forward for a moment...
Last year I was interviewed for an article on health and wellbeing for the June edition of The Skinny magazine. The article was published but I was so busy at the time that I never got around to posting a link on the website.
Well, here at last is a link to the relevant issue (the article is on page 29).
January 2015
Happy New Year!
Things have been quiet on the website of late but that hasn't been the case away from it. A lot has happened in three remarkable months.
In October I returned to China for the unveiling of my Zhan Zhuang and Da Cheng Chuan Grandmaster's memorial in Beijing. This was an important opportunity to show my respect and gratitude, on behalf of both myself and my students, for an extraordinary legacy that has been left to us.

There is also a short video of the event that does a good job of explaining something of the event's significance.
If you scroll down to October 2013 on this page, you will also find a small tribute that I wrote on the sad news of Grandmaster Yu's passing.
In November I was in London for the annual training week of Master Lam's senior students and to participate in the association's annual demonstration. A powerful reminder that it is thanks to Master Lam that this art came to the West when it did.
In December I travelled to India after being invited to teach Zhan Zhuang over there. I was delighted to see so much interest and enthusiasm for the art and even more happy to see the progress that people made over the course of the week (or even just a few days in some cases) and I'd like to think that Grandmaster Yu would have been very happy too.
The picture below shows many, but not all, of the people who were there.

I hope to return in 2015, so to my new Indian students: please keep training :-)
November 2014
No Classes from 22nd Nov until beginning of Dec
I'll be away training until the end of the month and so there will be no classes until 1st Dec.
The news page hasn't been reflecting all that's been going on lately, but I hope to fill in some of those gaps by the end of the year.
One such occasion worthy of more mention was the unveiling of Grandmaster Professor Yu's memorial in Beijing.
Until I get a chance to do this topic more justice, here is a link to a short video from the Lam Association: (link to video and other news)
May 2014
Tai Chi & Chi Kung Workshop in Woking (Sat 24th)
One of my kung fu brothers is running a public workshop very soon. Nigel Pearce is a long term student of Master Lam and well worth studying with.
Clicking on the image above should take you to his website.
April 2014
Demonstrations on Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th April
Once again, I've been too busy to keep up with my website updates lately but I can announce some more demonstrations this weekend.
At the Merseyside Maritime Museum, 1:30pm and 2:30pm, we will be performing Wing Chun, Tai Chi and various weapon forms. There will even be a chance to learn a little Tai Chi after the demos. These are free events to be held in the lecture theatre on the fourth floor of the museum.
As a consequence of the demonstrations, there will be no Saturday classes this weekend but all are welcome to join us at the demonstrations.
December 2013
Christmas & New Year Break
Classes will begin again on Monday 6th January.
Although 2013 might look like a quiet year, judging by the news page on this site, it was actually quite a busy one; so much so that I haven't had time to doccument it!
A trip to China,     A demonstration in China,     Three public demonstrations in Liverpool (with our friends at the World Martial Arts events),     Two Zhan Zhuang workshops in Wales,     The Lam Association annual demo and dinner in London,     The school's first Christmas dinner in Crosby (which will now hopefully become an annual event)
That's just some of what we got up to in 2013.
More to come for the new year, already likely to include another demo, a special Wing Chun workshop and maybe another China trip...
Meanwhile, I'd like to wish all of my students, both past and present, a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
October 2013
Sad News...
On the 2nd of October, Professor Yu Yong Nian, my Zhan Zhuang Grandmaster (teacher's teacher), passed away.
Those who've explored the Health Benefits page of this site will know a little of his pioneering work in introducing Zhan Zhuang into hospitals in China. As an acomplished student of Western medicine, he was able to build the foundations of an important bridge between two, sometimes very different, approaches to healthcare.
He also wrote highly respected books on the subject and encouraged Master Lam to spread it to the world so that as many people as possible could benefit.
I am fortunate that I was able to thank him in person, and also on behalf of my students.
                "This art is for the whole world, don't keep it to yourself".
Dear Grandmaster Yu,
Thank you so much for what you have done.
For your dedication in pursuing your art,
for your wisdom in using it,
and for your kindness in sharing it.
We remember your words and your vision:
with fondness; with admiration; with purpose.
Forever grateful...
March 2013
China Trip with Lam Association 30th Mar to 14th April
For the first two weeks of April I will be traveling through Northern China, along with Master Lam and many of his students.
We will be paying our respects on the occasion of Grand Master Yu's birthday in Beijing and then travelling onwards to various destinations in the North of the country. |
Public classes will restart on Monday the 15th of April.
So the next update should have some nice photos to add to the site :-).
February 2013
Chinese New Year Demonstration Saturday 9th Feb
We have been invited to perform at the World Martial Arts event at World Museum Liverpool (click here for details).
We will be performing a variety of arts of Chinese origin, including (of course) Tai Chi, Zhan Zhuang, Wing Chun and maybe something unexpected ;-)... |
Our performance begins at 1pm this Saturday on the second floor of the museum. This is a Free event and a good chance to learn a little more about what we do. Don't be late as it's only a 20 minute demo...
For those who are interested, there will be a chance to talk to myself and some of my students after the demonstration.
November 2012
Site Updates
The website has been updated with various graphical corrections and some new photos. Apologies to my student Dave Pilkington whose photographs were displayed poorly due to a graphical glitch. The problem has been resolved and they should now display correctly.
Lam Association Annual Dinner and Demonstration
This year's event will take place on Sunday 2nd December, very close to the Lam Association headquarters in London.
There will be demonstrations of Zhan Zhuang Chi Kung, Tai Chi Chuan, Choy Lee Fut, Da Cheng Chuan, Traditional Chinese Weapons and maybe more! There will also be a raffle and, of course, a Chinese buffet dinner. |
Doors will open at 3pm, followed by demonstration at 3:30 and a buffet dinner at 5pm. Interested students should contact me ASAP to secure tickets priced at £15 (or £13 for members of the Lam Association).
China Trip Photos!
    | Photos from Wudang Mountain and beyond!
Please see the China trips page for some of the sights from my last training trip to China.
Thanks to Master Kwok and our companions for a great trip! |
September 2012
No classes from 11th to 21st September
I will be away on a training trip to China with Master Kwok.
Photo Updates to Come
    | After neglecting the site of late, I plan to add some more photos upon my return from China.
As usual, there'll be a busy programme (see below), so I should have photos of interest.
Hope to see you when I return! |
April 2012
Class Timetable for April
I will be away on a training week from Friday 6th until Thursday 12th: there will be no classes during that period.
There will also be a church event on Saturday the 28th and so the class venue will be unavailable on that day.
China Trip Later This Year
    | Master Kwok is planning another training holiday to China for later in the year. This trip is likely to include visits to:
Hong Kong - Wing Chun Athletic Association Great Grandmaster Ip Man's grave Foshan - home of Wing Chun Wudang Mountain - one of the great Chinese Martial Arts sites Guangzhou - evening boat ride on the Pearl River Wuhan - see the biggest city-lake of China |
If you think that you might like to join us then please get in touch. |
March 2012
No classes on Saturday 10th March
Classes return on Monday the 12th.
February 2012
No classes on Saturday 18th February
Classes return on Monday the 19th.
December 2011
Chi Sau Photos
I've finally added some photos from Master Kwok's Chi Sau workshop. You can find them on the workshops page.
Christmas Break
Classes have now finished for 2011 and will return on 9th January.
Meanwhile, I'd like to wish all of my students, both past and present, a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
November 2011
No classes from 21st to 27th November
I will be busy with my own training commitments this week and will return on the 28th.
Master Kwok in Wing Chun Illustrated
Master Kwok is featured on the cover of issue 3 of Wing Chun Illustrated, which can be purchased from the Apple App Store for only $3.99. Here's the link.
Printed copies can be ordered from here.
The first issue is available free if you purchase one of the others. |
Photo Updates to Come...
The site has been somewhat neglected of late and there are various photos due to be uploaded. These include pictures of Master Kwok's Visit, my recent training trip to China and news of more events to come.
August 2011
No classes on Monday 22nd August
No further class disruption is expected until October. Thank you for your patience.
No classes on Saturday 6th August
This should be the last of the disruption to the Saturday classes for the next few months. Apologies for the disruption.
July 2011
No classes on Saturday 9th July and Saturday 23rd
All other classes remain open, including Saturday the 16th.
June 2011
No classes on Monday 20th June
Please note that there will be no classes on Monday 20th June.
Classes will return on Tuesday the 21st.
Coming Soon: Photos from Master Samuel Kwok's Chi Sau Workshop
Earlier this month, Master Samuel Kwok led a special training event in the use of Chi-Sau, or 'Sticking Hands'.
Having two photographers as students doesn't hurt, and thanks to them there'll be more photos to display soon.
Thanks to Master Kwok and his student/victim, John (pictured), for what was a great evening. |
May 2011
Next Month: Chi Sau Workshop with Master Samuel Kwok
Master Samuel Kwok will be coming to our class to conduct a two-hour Chi Sau workshop on Tuesday the 7th of June.
This replaces the regular Wing Chun class and means that there will be no Zhan Zhuang class on the 7th June.
More info on the workshops page. |
No classes on Saturday 7th May
Please note that there will be no classes on Saturday 7th May.
Classes will return on Monday the 9th.
February 2011
New Saturday Classes
From the 19th March there will be new Saturday classes available. Tai Chi, Zhan Zhuang and Wing Chun classes will all be available, along with the option of a discount if you attend more than one class on the same day. Saturday timetable: Tai Chi 10:00 am Zhan Zhuang 11:00 am Wing Chun 12:00 noon
No Classes from 28th Feb - 8th of March
Please note that there will be no lessons on the following days: Monday 28th Feb, Tuesday 1st, Monday 7th and Tuesday 8th of March. Classes will return on Monday the 14th of March. Please check the news/events page again at the end of this month for details of Saturday classes coming soon...
January 2011
Thursday Class bows out
After five and a half years of teaching at the YMCA in Southport, my time there has come to an end. I'd like to thank all of the staff, and the students who came along, for their support.
In the near future I wil be looking to set up another class elsewhere; exactly where and when that will be I can't say just yet. |
Of course classes will continue at the Crosby venue and I have some special events in mind for later this year.
Meanwhile, all the best to everyone for 2011!
December 2010
Christmas Break
Classes have now finished for 2010 and will return on 10th January.
Meanwhile, I'd like to wish all of my students, both past and present, a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
November 2010
One Week Break in classes
Please note that there will be no classes on 29th Nov, 30th Nov and 2nd Dec, due to me persuing my own training commitments.
Classes will return on the 6th of December.
October 2010
Training Workshops and China Trips
I've added two new pages to the site to advertise upcoming events for next year.
Although only a teaser at the moment (as dates are yet to be confirmed) it is hoped that 2011 will offer 3 or more training workshops in Liverpool and a China trip nearer the end of the year. |
Meanwhile, here's a taster of what to expect...
                    Training Workshops                     China trips
September 2010
Master Lam leaves for America
After over 35 years spent teaching in England, Master Lam has now moved to America in order to further the work and development of the Lam Association.
Details of public workshops he'll be conducting over the next few weeks can be found at his new American website, www.masterlamkamchuen.com. |
So many people from all over the world have benifited from Master Lam's work, be it his classes, treatments, books, videos or tv appearances, that it can be easy to forget how lucky we've been in this country to have him on our doorstep for so long.
However, this is not the end but rather a new chapter in his association's pioneering history. Certainly, I, along with many of his other senior students, will be staying in touch and continuing to receive instruction from him as often as I can.
Thank you Master Lam and very best wishes for your new life in America.
August 2010
Zhan Zhuang Seminar/Workshop in Isle of Man
On the 21st of August I gave a one day Zhan Zhuang seminar in the Isle of Man.
The day consisted of two hours training in the morning, lunch break and then another two hours in the afternoon. We covered ares such as appropriate warm-ups, seated training, common mistakes and some of the basic zhan zhuang postures. |
It is my hope that I will be able to conduct further events in the Isle of Man in the not too distant future.
July 2010
Summer Break in classes
I'm taking a few weeks break over the summer and there will not be any classes over this time.
Classes will return on the 5th of August.
June 2010
E-Mail Problems
It seems that some people have had trouble trying to contact me by e-mail from the website.
After some investigation and maintainance work, it seems that the problem has now (hopefully!) been resolved.
If you have been trying to contact me recently without success, please try again and you should have more luck.
Master Kwok at SENI 2010
SENI 2010, the "International Combat Sports Show", was held in London this year and attended by Master Kwok. As well as giving some lectures on Wing Chun, he also met up with Grandmaster Royce Gracie (former Brazilian Jujitsu world champion) and Diana Lee Inosantos (daughter of one of Bruce's Lee's most famous students, Dan Inosantos).    
May 2010
Article Published on Master Kwok's Website
Recently, I was very happy to be asked to write an article for Master Kwok's website. After some consideration, I thought that a short essay on the use of softness in wing chun might be of help to people.
Softness is important to all of the arts that I teach, so it might make interesting reading for those who practice Tai Chi or Zhan Zhuang. |
If nothing else, you can marvel at my obsessive-compulsive relationship with the semicolon (my keyboard must be due for a refit soon... :-) )
April 2010
New Tai Chi Class
From 19th April there will be a new Monday class: Lam style Tai Chi mini-form.
Lam style Tai Chi incorporates much of Master Lam's understanding of Zhan Zhuang and so is both complementary to zhan zhuang training and very beneficial in its own right. |
In the coming months there will be extensive site updates to further explain Lam style Tai Chi and its benefits. Meanwhile you can find class details here.
March 2010
New 'Learning' Page Added to Website
To offer a better explanation of what you can expect to learn in the classes, I've written the new Learning page. I hope this will provide the potential student with a better idea of what to expect; as well as giving the more experienced a glimpse of what is to come.
Please note that the Learning page is neither a lesson plan nor a comprehensive syllabus; rather it is simply an introduction. I hope it's of use.
New Book from Student of Master Lam
Master Lam's disciple, Peter Den Dekker, has just released a book on the subject of zhan zhuang entitled, 'The Dynamics of Standing Still'.
At 248 pages with extensive illustration throughout, this book is well worth adding to your collection. You can find out more or order a copy for yourself here. |
Master Kwok Nominated for Award
Master Kwok has been nominated for a place in Black Belt International Hall of Honours.
The award ceremony will take place later in November this year. Meanwhile you can show your support by voting for Master Kwok here. |
February 2010
Lam Association Public Workshops
Master Lam will be conducting public workshops based on his extensive knowledge of the art of Chi Kung on Sunday 25th April and Sunday 16th May.
These events will take place at the Lam Association in London. Details of the workshops can be found here. |
December 2009
Christmas & New Year Break
The final class of 2009 will be Tuesday 22nd of December. Classes will resume on Monday 4th of January. Until then, I send best wishes to all of my students and kung fu brothers and sisters for Christmas and the coming new year.     
November 2009
No Classes from 23rd-29th of November
Please note that there will be no lessons on the following days: Monday 23rd, Tuesday 24th and Thursday 26th of this month. This is simply due to prior arrangements regarding my own training commitments. Classes will resume on the 30th of November.
Lam Association Annual Dinner and Demonstration
This year's event will take place on Sunday 29th November, very close to the Lam Association headquarters in London.
There will be demonstrations of Zhan Zhuang Chi Kung, Tai Chi Chuan, Choy Lee Fut, Da Cheng Chuan, and possibly one or two other things as well, not to mention a Chinese buffet dinner! |
Doors will open at 3pm, followed by demonstration at 3:30 and a buffet dinner at 5pm. Interested students should contact me ASAP to secure tickets priced at £16 (or £14 for members of the Lam Association).
October 2009
Another Great Trip
Last month's China trip was the second of 2009 and was notable for being the first time I was accompanied by some of my students.
- Morning training with Master Kwok,
- Mini-seminar with Grandmaster Ip Ching
- Birthday celebration with Grandmaster Ip Chun,
- Technical exchange with a Choy Lee Fut school,
- Demo at the Great Wall
... were just some of the things we got up to. |
Thanks to Master Kwok and Master Lam for all their hard work in arranging their respective trips. It was nice to catch up with some old friends and to make some new ones too.
Master Kwok is already planning another trip for next year. So if you're feeling a little sad that you missed out on all the fun (...and the training of course) then don't worry: you may have the chance in 2010!
September 2009
Break in Classes during September
Please note that there will be a break in classes during which I, along with some of my students, will be travelling with Master Kwok in Hong Kong and China. The last class before we leave will be on Monday 7th. Classes will start again on Monday 28th.
July 2009
Master Kwok Visit - 3rd of August
I am pleased to announce that Master Samuel Kwok will be making his second visit to our class on Monday 3rd of August.
After his excellent seminar on Chi-Sau earlier this year, Monday's workshop on Siu Lim Tao (the first training form of Wing Chun) comes highly recommended. You can learn more about Master Kwok from his website. |
This event will be at the Crosby venue (see the classes page for details) and will last approximately 2 hours. If you have never attended one of our classes before... then please get in touch via the contact page before attending this event. Thank you. Due to the special nature of the visit, the class on Monday the 3rd will cost £20 to attend. Please arrive promptly.
May 2009
Classes have now Resumed
I have returned from my travels and all classes are now running again. I don't expect to be away again until September, for the next trip to China and Hong Kong.
April 2009
Break in Classes during late April / May
Please note that there will be a break in classes starting on Thursday 30th of April. Classes will return from Thursday 14th of May onwards.
Please note that no further breaks in classes are likely until the next scheduled China trip in September.
Successful China Trip
Last month, Master Lam, along with many of his students, travelled to Yunan in Southern China. We then headed on to Beijing for Grandmaster Yu's 90th birthday party!
I'm happy to say that it seems as though the trip was enjoyed by all and that Grandmaster Yu remains in good health. |
Another photo from this trip has just been added to the Photo Gallery page.
March 2009
Break in Classes during March
Please note that there will be a break in classes during which I shall be travelling with Master Lam in China. The last class before I leave will be on Tuesday 10th.
Classes will resume on Monday 30th.
February 2009
Zhan Zhuang Healing Workshops
Master Lam will be conducting public workshops in April & June on the subject of Zhan Zhuang used for Self-Healing.
These events will take place at the Lam Association in London on Sunday 26th April and Sunday 14th June from 10am until 5:30pm. Beginners are welcome. |
It costs £90 to attend one workshop or £160 for both (lunch and tea breaks included). Interested students should contact me ASAP to book a place on one of the workshops.
Return to the top of the page
December 2008
Break in Classes for Christmas and New Year
Please note that classes have now finished for 2008 and will resume in the new year on Monday 5th of January (see below).
I wish all of my students a happy Christmas and good luck in the New Year.
New Monday Class
Beginning the first week of 2009, there will be a new Wing Chun class on Mondays at 8:30pm. This will be at the Crosby venue (see the classes page for details).
I hope that those of you who have been asking for more classes will be able to make good use of this new training opportunity. |
November 2008
No Classes During Last Week Of November
Please note that there will be no lessons on either Tuesday 25th or Thursday 27th of this month. This is simply due to prior arrangements regarding my own training commitments. Classes will resume in the first week of December.
Lam Association Annual Dinner and Demonstration
This year's event will take place on Sunday 30th November, very close to the Lam Association headquarters in London.
There will be demonstrations of Zhan Zhuang Chi Kung, Tai Chi Chuan, Choy Lee Fut, Da Cheng Chuan, and possibly one or two other things as well, not to mention a Chinese buffet dinner! |
Doors will open at 3pm, followed by demonstration at 3:30 and a buffet dinner at 5pm. Interested students should contact me ASAP to secure tickets priced at £16 (or £14 for members of the Lam Association).
October 2008
Decision Time for China Trip
If you have been considering joining next year's Hong Kong/China trip (see the September news entry) then now is the time to come to a decision.
Because places are limited, after this month it will become increasingly difficult to guarantee a place on the trip. |
Think carefully and let me know if you have any concerns or need any more information before making your decision.
GrandmasterKwok.com in Redevelopment
One of Master Kwok's websites has been undergoing some changes and as such is currently off-line. In anticipation of this being a temporary affair, I have maintained all of the relevant links from this site. Once grandmasterkwok.com is operational again, there may be a delay whilst the links are redesignated to their appropriate targets.
September 2008
China Trip 2009
Master Kwok has begun to release details of his association's next trip to China/Hong Kong in September of 2009:
We will be visiting Beijing (Great Wall & Forbidden City), Xi'an (Terracotta Warriors) and Hong Kong (Ving Tsun Athletic Assoc.). This trip is for Wing Chun students who wish to meet and train with Master Kwok in Wing Chun's country of origin. |
If this is something that interests you then you should speak to me soon to learn more... and don't forget to spend the next twelve months wisely; improving your forms and chi-sao!
August 2008
Web-site Updates
In addition to the regular updates to this web-site (such as additions to the news page and minor programming tweaks), two new sections have been added this month.
The first is Class Conduct, concerning issues of respect and behaviour in the classroom. I hope this section will be helpful in terms of both awareness and understanding.
The second new section is the Photo Gallery. Currently, you will find just a few photos (all relating to Wing Chun) but more photos will be added in the future.
Ip Man Movie
A film of the life of my Wing Chun Great Grandmaster, Ip Man, is due for release in December/January. 'Yip Man' (alternate spelling) will star Donnie Yen in the title role and will feature martial arts direction from Sammo Hung.
The film was made with Grandmaster Ip Chun as a consultant, and the cast were trained in Wing Chun by a student of Master Kwok! |
You can see a preview of the film (in Chinese) here.
Leo Au Yeung is the student of Master Kwok who was involved in training the cast. You can find his web-site here.
July 2008
Samuel Kwok DVDs
Master Kwok has been working on some new DVDs that should be available for release in the near future.
The new titles will add to the Mastering Wing Chun series and include a DVD on training the Wooden Dummy form and also a DVD covering Chi-Sau and its applications. |
Master Kwok has already released several DVDs, including detailed analysis of the three unarmed forms. To find out more, click here.
February 2008
Public Workshops with Master Lam
Master Lam will be conducting public workshops on Zhan Zhuang in March, April and May this year. If you have never met Master Lam then this is an excellent opportunity to learn more about zhan zhuang.
Previous workshops have included a morning lecture, tea breaks and lunch, followed by afternoon practice with instruction from Master Lam and some of his senior students. |
For more information and to book a place on one of the workshops, please visit this link.
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December 2007
Christmas & New Year Break
There will be a break in classes over the holiday period. The Crosby class will begin again on Tuesday 8th January, and the Southport class will resume on Thursday 10th January.
Meanwhile, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of my students a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
November 2007
Annual Dinner & Demonstration
This year's Lam Association Annual Dinner & Demonstration will take place on Sunday 25th November very close to the Lam Association headquarters in London.
There will be demonstrations of Zhan Zhuang Chi Kung, Tai Chi Chuan, Choy Lee Fut, Da Cheng Chuan, and possibly one or two other things as well, not to mention a Chinese buffet dinner! |
These demonstrations provide an excellent introduction to the Association and now take place at the earlier time of 3:00pm. Interested students should contact me ASAP to secure tickets priced at £16 (or £14 for members of the Lam Association).
October 2007
Successful Trip
Myself and other students of Samuel Kwok enjoyed a successful trip to Hong Kong, Macau & Foshan (in Southern China).
I think that all participants were able to gain some valuable experience. We were also first to be able to get hold of copies of Master Kwok's new book.
We trained with other Wing Chun schools as well as a Choy Lee Fut school in China. |
Photo: Receiving a pennant of friendship from City University of Hong Kong Wing Chun Martial Arts Association... More photos to follow...
September 2007
Hong Kong / China Trip
As you may have discovered elsewhere on this site, I will be travelling throughout late September / early October with Master Samuel Kwok and some of his other students.
We will be meeting up with Grandmasters Ip Chun and Ip Ching and also be involved in friendly exchanges with Wing Chun schools in China. |
In future, interested students may be invited to join us on such trips. They present a great opportunity to further one's experience of Wing Chun.
Web-site Launch!
Welcome to the new web-site. In addition to promoting my classes in the Liverpool area, there is lots of information to be found here to introduce you to the fine arts of Zhan Zhuang Chi Kung and Wing Chun Kung Fu.
I hope you can find something useful here.
In future, it is hoped that this page will also have details of forthcoming seminars/workshops both from Master Lam and from Master Kwok.
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© Steven Williams 2007-2021 The copyright of the tree logo and the crossed knives logo belong to the Lam Association and to the Samuel Kwok Martial Arts Association respectively.