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When learning anything, it is very important to consider from whom you will be learning.

Before drinking water, it is best to consider the source

Please click on the icons below for details of the lineages from which I continue to study.

Zhan Zhuang & Tai Chi Wing Chun

Zhan Zhuang Chi KungWing Chun Kung Fu

Zhan Zhuang Chi Kung Yang Style Tai Chi Sun Style Tai Chi

Great Grand Master
Wang Xiang Zhai
Great Grand Master
Yang Cheng Fu
Great Grand Master
Ku Yue Chang

Founder of the martial art of ‘Da Cheng Chuan’.
First to teach Tai Chi publicly in China.
Famous throughout China as 'The King of Iron Palm'.

Grand Master
Professor Yu Yong Nian
Grand Master
Venerable Yun Hang
Grand Master
Leung Tse Cheung

Leading authority on the subject of Zhan Zhuang.
Senior Buddhist & martial arts master.
Master of both Northern and Southern styles of Shaolin Kung Fu.
Master Lam Kam Chuen

Experienced tournament fighter and Chinese doctor. This tree represents only a small selection of the arts that he has studied. Gave first public demonstration of Zhan Zhuang in the west. First to teach a public Tai Chi class in Britain and the founder of Lam style Tai Chi.
Sifu Steven Williams

It is thanks to Master Lam and his teachers that I am able to instruct these two arts. Master Lam encouraged me to teach so that I could use what I have learned to help others. I strive to do just that.

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Wing Chun Kung Fu

Great Grand Master
Ip Man

First to teach Wing Chun publicly. Famous as the teacher
of Bruce Lee.

Grand Master
Ip Chun
Grand Master
Ip Ching

Ip Man's eldest son. Like his father, of slight build.
Renowned for his skill at chi sau.

Ip Man's second son. Being taller and heavier than his father grants him a different perspective on Wing Chun.
Master Samuel Kwok

First to bring the sons of Ip Man to the west. One of very few to be a disciple of both. Arranged many exchange meetings with schools in China and Hong Kong (for wing chun and other styles). Very active teacher world-wide.
Sifu Steven Williams

There have been many arguments over what is the 'real' Ip Man Wing Chun. I don't claim to have the answers but rather to keep asking the questions.
Master Kwok has set the example by his continued research. For Wing Chun to grow, I believe we must keep asking questions and finding new answers.

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© Steven Williams 2007-2013
The copyright of the logos at the top left, and top right, of the screen
belong to the Lam Association and to the Samuel Kwok Martial Arts Association respectively.